Mr Poh Soon Keng
Mr Poh Soon Keng is the founder of our Group and is currently our Executive Chairman and CEO, and was appointed to our Board on 3 October 2019. Mr Poh is a member of the Nominating Committee of the Company.
He has over 20 years of experience leading and expanding our Group’s business. Mr Poh is primarily responsible for the overall management, operations and strategic direction of our Group.
Mr Poh holds an honours degree in Public Administration conferred by Nanyang University in 1976.
Date of last re-election as a Director: 26 October 2023
Present Directorships in listed companies: Nil
Past Directorships in listed companies over preceding 3 years: Nil

Mr Daniel Ng Choon Beng
Mr Daniel Ng is our Executive Director and was appointed to our Board on 20 May 2022. He is also our Chief Operating Officer (Engineering). He is responsible for overseeing the management and operations of our Group’s engineering services business segment.
Between 1990 to 2015, Mr Ng served as the regional business development director of SGB Aluma Singapore Pte Ltd and assisted in the business development and management aspects of the business.
Mr Ng holds an honours degree in Bachelor of Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1989 and 1990 respectively.
Date of last re-election as a Director: 27 October 2022
Present Directorships in listed companies: Nil
Past Directorships in listed companies over preceding 3 years: Nil

Mr Lim Tai Toon
Mr Lim Tai Toon is our Lead Independent Director and was appointed to our Board on 2 November 2023. He is also the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee and Nominating Committee.
Mr Lim was the General Manager for Student Castle Property Management Service (UK), an operator for student accommodation based in London under Cuscaden Peak Investment. Prior to joining Cuscaden Peak Investment, he held various senior positions including executive director and CEO of Mainboard listed companies.
Mr Lim, an accountant by profession, has more than two decades of experience in business operations, financial and general management, as well as audit, tax and corporate secretarial functions. He is also the Lead Independent Director for Medinex Limited.
Mr Lim obtained a Bachelor of Accountancy from National University of Singapore in 1985 as well as a Masters of Business (Information Technology) from Curtin University of Technology (Australia) and a Masters of Business Administration from Henley Management College in the United Kingdom in 1993. He is also a Fellow Chartered Accountant of The Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
Present Directorships in listed companies: Medinex Limited
Past Directorships in listed companies over preceding 3 years: Medtecs International Corp Ltd

Mr Goh Joon Lian
Mr Goh Joon Lian is our Independent Director and was appointed to our Board on 24 March 2020. He is also the Chairman of the Nominating Committee and a member of the Audit and Risk Committee and Remuneration Committee.
He had worked in Shell Singapore since 1999 and was the regional chairman of Shell South China when he left the company in 2012. He worked at Esso Singapore from 1979 to 1999 and at Sembawang Shipyard from 1976 to 1979.
Mr Goh obtained a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom in 1976.
Date of last re-election as a Director: 26 October 2023
Present Directorships in listed companies: Nil
Past Directorships in listed companies over preceding 3 years: Nil

Mr Cheam Heng Haw Howard
Mr Howard Cheam is our Independent Director and was appointed to our Board on 7 November 2024. He is also the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Mr Cheam has also been involved in various public merger and acquisitions transactions where he has acted for the offeror, offeree or financial adviser. His experience also includes various fund raising exercises for listed and unlisted companies such as the issue of bond instruments, convertible instruments and placements. In addition, he also handles general corporate and advisory work, such as joint ventures, trade transactions and investments.
Mr Cheam graduated from King’s College, University of London, with a Bachelor of Law (Honours) in 1999.